Sh*t People Say to Asexuals

Asexuality is defined as not experiencing sexual attraction. Seems pretty straightforward, right? Apparently not.

Given that we are taught to assume that everyone experiences sexual attraction, asexual people confront many of the same misinformed questions and inappropriate comments every time their sexuality comes up.

This can be from everything from presuming to know more about the person’s sexuality than they do, to casually invalidating their experiences.

Check out this video for a look at just a few of these common microaggressions!

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SwankiVY is a novelist, creativity junkie, singer, musicals nerd, activist, jellybean fiend, pencil scribbler, serial rambler. You can find more information about asexuality in her recently released book, The Invisible Orientation, as well as through many other videos on her YouTube channel. Check out her website for more information on her many ongoing projects!

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