When Some Guys Realize Rape Culture and Racism Kinda Work in a Similar Way

Originally published on Upworthy and cross-posted here. 

If we believe that people deserve the oppression they experience, we don’t have to examine the role way play in that oppression, how we might perpetuate it, or even the fact that we benefit from it.

Victim-blaming (or privilege-explaining) is a fundamental part of protecting privilege and deflecting accountability. This stands in the way of social justice, anti-oppression, and feminism.

However, as this gif set demonstrates, violent mentalities don’t have to be static. We can change.

Sometimes, all it takes is a really good ally to help people see the parallels in their struggles. And, in Everyday Feminism’s opinion, meeting people where they’re at is a great strategy to facilitate that change.

Empathy is at the forefront of our intersectional feminist revolution.

When Some Guys Realize Rape Culture And Racism Kinda Work In A Similar Way

When Some Guys Realize Rape Culture And Racism Kinda Work In A Similar Way

When Some Guys Realize Rape Culture And Racism Kinda Work In A Similar Way

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Stop Patriarchy, a.k.a the movement to End Pornography and Patriarchy: The Enslavement and Degradation of Women, is a project initiated by writer and activist Sunsara Taylor. Today it is a movement made up of people who want to see the end to the enslavement and degradation of women, to patriarchy in all its forms. You can check them out on Twitter and on their website at stoppatriarchy.org.  

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