The Agonizing Barriers to Eating ‘Responsibly’

We’ve all heard about organic food – it’s good for you, good for the planet, and eating it is the responsible thing to do. But what about when you just need to eat because you’re hungry?

This spoken word piece tells the story of James, one of 17 million American children living in a home at risk of not having enough food on the table each day.

Step into his shoes, where the dollar menu is cheap, the ingredients are addictive, and survival is what matters right now – regardless of the harm that hurts his body later.

Poet Joshua Merchant’s haunting words help us understand the bigger picture about economic injustice and food accessibility.

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Youth Speaks is the nation’s leading presenter of spoken word arts and education. You can check out all of their videos related to the Brave New Voices festival, the Off/Page Project, the Bigger Picture, Raise Up Project, Life is Living, and other films from Youth Speaks’ local and national programming on their YouTube channel. You can also check out their website and follow them on Twitter @youthspeaks

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