At some point in our lives, most people will need to take off an extended period of time to deal with a family or medical issue. Despite this, only 12% of workers in America receive paid family leave through their jobs. And the lucky ones that do are disproportionately well-educated, high-earning, and male. But what about the rest of us? What happens if we fall ill or have a child?

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Revenge porn – never heard of it? This new internet craze, specifically focused on women, occurs when a person shares a sexual or nude photo or video with a partner or hookup who later decides to make the private photo public. And in most places, it’s perfectly legal. So what can be done in these types of situations? Let’s look at the options we have.

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A lot of Americans are still struggling with extreme poverty – and women are getting the short end of the stick on pretty much all fronts. This year, the Census data revealed that one in seven women live in poverty. These crazy-high numbers of poor American women are nothing new. But they’re still unacceptable. Now go out there and do something about this inequality.

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Most of us have had a shitty job or two. But how many of us have had to support ourselves fully – let alone support a family – on a job like this? There are a lot of people out there who have to do just that. They earn the minimum wage at a thankless job that is their only form of income. And that income is extremely low. Simply put, the minimum wage is too low and has been that way for too long.

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There is something else lurking below the surface that is making things even tougher for women to get – and stay – elected. And it’s hiding behind a friendly grin: that casual comment about the outfit she’s wearing or that mention of her hairstyle. Simply put: Discuss a female candidate’s appearance in the media, and you steal some of her political credibility.

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