If you’re at all involved with online social justice, you’ve probably encountered trigger warnings — and you’ve also probably seen some confusion about (and even push back against) them. Are they patronizing? Are they helpful? How do we use them? And what exactly ARE they? Here’s a primer on why, when, and where they can (and in some cases, should) be used.

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I was watching the Disney movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame when I suddenly went into shock. Right from the start, seeing Quasimodo be the recipient of so much gaslighting – being told that the world wasn’t safe, that he would never be accepted or loved, that Frollo had only his best interest at heart…

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Silhouette of a person with their head in their hands, looking distraught

Being a trans person who experiences body dysphoria can be a challenge – both for the person directly experiencing it, as well as for the loved ones around them. The truth is, few people feel prepared to help someone cope with body dysphoria. So if you’re wondering how to support someone with this experience in your life, this list of five tips is a great place to start.

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Animosity over cultural differences can lead to anything from bully and stereotyping, to war and genocide. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We take in prejudice slowly and silently through socialization. But because we learn prejudice, we can also unlearn it. Here are a few ways you can fight oppression and practice communal harmony in your everyday life.

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Our LGBTQIA+ communities are, in general, less healthy than our heterosexual counterparts and much of that is directly related to discrimination and social stigma. We get the short end in terms of access, utilization, and LGBTQIA+ informed care, and the consequences of the health disparities within our communities are severe. So what can you do to help?

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There is a social conundrum for women in which speaking one’s opinion openly and flatly can be considered “un-ladylike.” Since every person and situation is different, only you will be able to decide what works in your life. But if you’re ever in a position where you feel uncomfortable or unwelcomed speaking up, here are a few suggestions that I hope can help.

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It’s easy for me to let negative thoughts creep into my mind and follow them down dark pathways where I not only feel misguided but also frightened. For so long I had been disconnected from my wants and needs, I had been following the script I had learned from others. So here are the techniques I use to delete my mocking, critical, mafia mind to make room for the good stuff.

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Originally published on Let’s Queer Things Up! and cross-posted here with his permission. I won’t beat around the bush: Mental illness has pushed me to the edge many, many times. There were times when I was so detached from reality, it necessitated urgent and even drastic interventions to bring me back. There were times when the pain…

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