Person looking at their phone in frustration

It’s a go-to romcom staple: Boy likes girl, but girl doesn’t like him back. The determined boy will then spend the movie trying to convince the girl to give him a chance. And although audiences are supposed to cheer him on, the truth of the matter is that this trope actually portrays stalking behavior. And when we show stalking as romantic, we start blurring lines.

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Person thinking in frustration with a pink background

We know mainstream porn has some pretty unrealistic images, including false stereotypes. But do you know where stereotypes about Asian sexuality come from, and what they teach us about valuing (and devaluing) Asian bodies? Learn about the disturbing connection to colonization, to see how deep these misconceptions go, and why we must stop the colonization of bodies.

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Two cartoon women are holding hands, explaining something to people in shadows

Perpetuating this mainstream coming-out narrative can bring a lot of problems, especially for people who don’t have mainstream privileges. It even hurts people who do. We need to broaden our focus towards resisting the system-wide oppression we all face – and breaking free of a problematic narrative. So let’s unpack some of the harmful myths of this mainstream narrative.

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News flash: Women have body hair. Armpits, legs, genitals — even faces. And it’s become a widely accepted rule that they must remove this hair. Some women choose to do this freely, and some women choose to defy this standard. But the stigma runs even deeper than that. Here are four harmful side effects of body hair stigma that you may have overlooked.

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Asian America: It’s a land of stereotypes — at least, according to television and film. Unfortunately, these stereotypes too often fall under the popular radar and aren’t discussed or acknowledged as much as they should be. I want to get the discussion started. I’d like to examine three of the most pervasive Asian stereotypes we see so often in mainstream media.

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Fascinated by this world of unleashed sexual expression, the author of this article couldn’t get enough of it. He thought he’d outgrow his porn habit over time, but he never did. He didn’t know it then, but porn had become an addiction. He didn’t realize how much watching porn manipulated his mind, warping his sexuality, numbing hi feelings, and impacting his relationships with women. Read this personal narrative to find out how he overcame his addiction and got to a healthier place.

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