Superficial circumstances, especially ones as obvious as physical disability, can obscure who a person really is. But humanity should be shared, not allocated in increments based on privilege or experiences. And since able-bodied privilege is one of the most unrecognizable forms of privilege in society, today we’re going to talk about ten ways that you can avoid ableism in everyday life.

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Originally published on Let’s Queer Things Up! and cross-posted here with his permission. I won’t beat around the bush: Mental illness has pushed me to the edge many, many times. There were times when I was so detached from reality, it necessitated urgent and even drastic interventions to bring me back. There were times when the pain…

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If you want to make your disability known, go ahead! It’s a really important part of our lives and you should feel proud to embrace it. If you want to pass, rock on! It’s nice not to have to deal with ableist BS once in a while. No matter what you decide, remember that your disability doesn’t define you – online or offline.

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A lot of ignorance exists around sex and disability, especially regarding media portrayals involving providers of commercial sex.The problem lies in the way it’s presented, encouraging the audience to gawk and giggle. At the end of the day, no one is actually meant to perceive disabled people as desirable. So yes, getting laid is awesome, but it isn’t the end-all, be-all for everyone.

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Our daughter is Autistic. With the right accommodations and supports, she can have everything she wants out of life – but there’s a lot to do as parents between now and adulthood. So how do we go about raising a confident young woman in an ableist world? I think that the answer lies at the intersection of supporting feminism and destroying ableism.

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