“Being thin isn’t a privilege!” If you’ve reacted to the term “thin privilege” in this way, perhaps it’s time to examine what thin privilege actually is and why it’s just so hard for people to acknowledge.

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As women, our relationships with our bodies are often dysfunctional. With a multibillion-dollar cosmetics industry and social pressures to be thin, loving our bodies is no stroll in the park. But when we don’t feel comfortable in our bodies, we miss out on all the joy that life offers. Here are seven ways to fight the pressure and practice loving your body, just the way it is.

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Those who are familiar with the power and pervasiveness of the thin ideal may be surprised by “reverse retouching” – where editors now adding curves and inches to create more voluptuous figures. But there’s nothing new about it. It’s just more illusions to form a new standard of normal for women’s bodies and more unnatural and unachievable beauty ideals for real-life females to fall short of.

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Known as “reverse retouching,” editors are now adding strategically, meticulously placed curves to create idealized hourglass figures on otherwise small, thin frames. We’re all for breaking out of the trap of thin ideals being used to sell EVERYTHING. But is Photoshopping to add “curves” a step in the right direction? Absolutely, undoubtedly, without question, NO. Here’s why.

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