Unhappy person lying lon a couch; their partner is frustrated in the background

There are a lot of reasons why folks are up-in-arms about “50 Shades of Grey.” Here are ten ways that the book (and their subsequent film) shows clear signs of abuse – especially emotional abuse, which can be harder to pinpoint if you’re not sure which red flags to pay attention to. Use this article as a guide for thinking through the relationship in “50 Shades.”

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My orthorexia began when I found it too difficult to keep my anorexia a secret. In my mind, I was being healthy, but in reality, I had simply replaced one unhealthy obsession with another. I had a strict list of rules when it came to eating and I enjoyed the rigidity of my obsessive diet. But healthy eating is not determined by what you eat as much as why you are eating it.

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Fitspiration is any message that encourages one to persevere, push, or even suffer through exercise for the sake of achieving change in one’s physical appearance. It masquerades as a healthy response to images of size-zero models that promote unhealthy weight and potentially lead to eating disorders. However, they’re doing the exact same thing – only from a different angle.

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