A group of children are silhouetted, playing a ball game against a setting sun

Non-binary kids are kids who feel that they are multiple genders, none, or some mixture thereof. As a former non-binary kid myself, this author has some thoughts about how best to parent non-binary kids. Because knowledge is power – and knowing how to wade through your child’s non-binary identity can help you be a better parent and your child be their authentic self!

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As white people, we have a responsibility to do something to advance anti-racism. While we couldn’t help being born into a system of white supremacy, we can do something to help even the score. Want to put your white privilege to work? Here are five specific examples addressing what you can do and avoid silencing the people of color whose voices you mean to amplify.

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From mean jokes to harassment, single women are subject to a particular kind misogyny in American society. The message is clear: We still believe women should prioritize marriage and motherhood over everything else. Demanding a woman’s life to follow this trajectory is another way of saying “I know what’s good for you better than you do.” And that’s oppressive.

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I’m a dude – one with a uterus. So like most trans guys, I have to deal with periods at some point or another. And it’s not easy. Everyone in the world seems to think periods are the ultimate expression of femininity. Sometimes it makes me feel very, very feminine. But the truth is, there’s no reason bleeding makes me feminine. Here are five ways to remember this.

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