This article was originally published on Kajal Magazine and republished here with the author‘s permission. A few years ago, I truly believed a brown man would save me from my loneliness. It’s embarrassing to admit now, but at the time, my everyday life was shaped by this hope: if I could just find one to…

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CW: Sexual Assault, Child Sexual Abuse, Violence Against Women Sexual assault is the most underreported crime in the United States, with 63% of sexual assaults never being reported to police. Despite these numbers, Latinx survivors of sexual violence are even less likely to seek out resources after sexual assault than survivors of other racial and…

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If you grew up Latinx in the United States, you might have spent your most formative years going to church with your abuelita — not talking openly about sex or relationships with your parents. I was raised in a very Catholic, Mexican-American family. My Catholic school education included lectures by religion teachers about the dangers…

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While reflecting on recent news about health care, I think back on the lives of Anarcha, Betsy, Lucy and nine other unnamed enslaved Black women who were experimented on by the “father of modern gynecology,” a white doctor named J. Marion Sims. Without their consent or anesthesia (which was available at the time), Sims perfected…

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If you grew up in the United States, it is almost inevitable that you’ve been subject to a few standard aphorisms. These include things like: “Anyone can make it here if they try hard enough,” “Nothing worth having comes easy,” “Hard work pays off,” “Winners never quit, and quitters never win,” and “Success is no…

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