Scholarship Application for the Relationship Course
As part of our commitment to accessibility and social justice, Everyday Feminism sets aside $1 for every $4 earned through course sales into a scholarship fund.
Scholarships provide discounts for the course for those with limited income and wealth. The discounted rates are on a sliding scale from $64 (~$4 per week) to $32 (~$2 per week). Please use the form below to apply for the scholarship.
If you are unable to set aside $2 per week, please tell us via the Contact Us form.
Who the Scholarship Is For and Why
To help you better understand if the scholarship is appropriate for you, please consider that the Relationship Course is already set at a the low price of $97. This is 4 months of modules and individual coaching sessions for just $6 per week. .
If you are unable to save $6 per week due to limited income, then this scholarship is for you. However, if that is something you can comfortably afford, then this scholarship is not intended for people with your financial means.
If you are able to save $6 per week and therefore able to pay the full price, please do not take advantage of our use of the honor system. We depend on people with enough financial means to pay the full price in order to both continue offering courses, magazine, and forum as well as to subsidize those who have limited financial means. Without enough people paying the full price, Everyday Feminism would need to shut down.
In our community, we have people who are on disabilities and other fixed incomes, have been long-term unemployed, and are coming out of difficult situations. They want to take this course but can't afford the full price. To help us award as many scholarships as possible, we ask that you select the highest amount you can reasonably pay.
Other Ways To Lower The Cost
You can also get a 25% off referral discount. So if you get 4 friends to register, then you get the course for free!
If you've enrolled in another online course with Everyday Feminism, you also get a 15% discount. Just let us know via the Contact Us form and we'll refund you the difference.
So Please Remember...
If you can afford to save $6 per week, please do NOT apply for this scholarship and take the place of someone in greater financial need. Thank you!