Domestic violence is about power. When one’s trans identity challenges conventional gender definitions, its boundaries, and its performances, DV survivors can often feel disempowered. And because it is happening in trans* communities, we need to talk about it and what you can do to help. With the right knowledge and tools, you can help facilitate recovery.

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You’ve seen the statuses (“I said YES!”) and the ring selfies (“He put a ring on it!”). You’ve also memorized the jewelry store slogans. Everyone, it’s here. It’s engagement season. And if engagement season makes you contemplate a swift death, you’ve come to the right place. Put the chocolate and wine away, because here are some healthy ways to sift through the engagement season frenzy.

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Whether you and your loved one are three hours away or three time zones away, you are in a long-distance relationship. In any healthy relationship, you should be honest and communicative, be open about your futures, support each other to be better people, and celebrate/evaluate your relationship on a regular basis. Distance should not change that.

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When I look at myself in the mirror, I do not see an Asian face. I see me. It’s not until I step outside and interact with others that I am forced to realize: I am an Asian female, and I look different. Is being Asian and American mutually exclusive? How do we negotiate the hyphen in Asian-American? It’s about staying true to the person I see in the mirror every morning.

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Many people are initially confused or ashamed when they realize that they don’t fit into their prescribed gender box, and may also feel depressed as they struggle to be their true selves. Most likely, your family will share these difficult feelings as well. You and your loved ones are about to embark on a lifelong journey, and you must prepare them.

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