Society isn’t very nice to vaginas. From a very young age, we’re taught that vaginas are somehow bad or wrong or dirty. But the fact is: Vaginas are the objects of a cultural hate-fest. What if we could fight back against that hate, through sex- and body-positivity, and turn haters into lovers? We can. But first, we have to understand where vagina hate comes from.

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Cosmo has a lot to say about sex. But what they have to say is based on tired stereotypes, heteronormativity, and traditional gender roles. As such, most of their “advice” is anything but helpful. They aren’t giving women the factual and comprehensive information about sex that they probably need. So instead, remember these rules for having great sex.

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Sometimes – well, most times – there’s pain in a relationship. And sometimes, things can become so fragile and hard to navigate that irreparable cracks surface, and the relationship becomes broken. And I’ve been there. Far too many times. Learning, growing, and working hard to understand why brokenness breaks you – and what to do about it – is a journey. But it’s one worth taking.

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Erin McKelle argues that part of the reason why people are so bad at getting consent is because they don’t know what consent looks like. So what does consent look like, and how does it work? Well, for one thing, let’s talk about the importance of enthusiasm when it comes to consent in that it shows actual interest in sex, rather than complacency.

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