Tackling an issue near and dear to her heart, Everyday Feminism’s Editor Melissa A. Fabello discusses the media’s bad excuse for lesbian and bisexual representation in TV and film. More importantly, she talks about the ways that misrepresentation and sexualization can have negative effects on how the world treats queer women and ways that you can make change.

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Thinspiration — images created and used to inspire its consumers to be thin — is now plastered all over every social media website. It isn’t confined to the realm of eating disorders anymore. It’s mainstream. And yet we’re not talking to consumers about it. But how do we talk to our friends, children, and students about it without being at war with them? Here’s a place to start.

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The truth is: There are different kinds of fitspiration. There are different approaches that all call themselves the same thing. And a common mistake that people make is not distinguishing between them. Because not all fitspo is bad. But some of it actually inspires more unhealthy habits than healthy ones. So be media literate and body-positive enough to know what you’re doing and why.

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