The depiction of rape in the media is not an inherently bad thing. But it is a bad thing when rape is part of a story line just for entertainment, for added suspense and sparkle. When television shows like Law & Order: SVU use and capitalize on rape as a means to allure viewers, the “featured” rape story becomes reduced to a mere gimmick, which is troubling and offensive.

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Increasing marriage equality is a great step in the right direction. But it’s more important than ever to broaden the scope of what we envision for queer liberation. By unfolding the many layers of what liberation and equality could look like for the LGBTQ+ community, we’ll be able to see a nuanced picture of marriage equality that is couched in the larger movement for social justice.

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Women’s rights in the United States have come a long way. But as we reflect on the remarkable progress the feminist movement has made in creating a more just and equal society, I challenge us to also look ahead to our next few decades of work. By 2040, let’s make sure young feminists can marvel at the following ten things that women of our generation were once not able to do.

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