An Everyday Feminism Webinar
How To Build Your Online Feminist Hustle
A Webinar To Help You Finally Grow That Badass Business You've Always Dreamed Of
Let Me Help You Share Your Vision With The World!
Working towards a just, inclusive, and accepting world can be so much more fulfilling than corporate jobs that leave you sucked dry and oftentimes too depleted for the revolution.
Online activist spaces are still somewhat new to a lot of us, and navigating for a career are not as easy or as instinctual as you would imagine. It’s not just all about creating catchy social media hashtags and graphics. There is a lot of intentionality involved.
There are so many things I wish I knew about taking care of myself when my brand is part of who I am before I started this path. Feminist hustling is rewarding, but it’s also real work. I want to help you think big and be prepared for the joys and pitfalls of the visibility of your brand and what it really means to curate and create meaningful content.
I will help you strategize ways to have a truly intersectional analysis that intersects with your work as a public brand or persona. Many brands fail to truly embody intersectionality and end up getting themselves in trouble! But committing to learning how to do this is part of the work.
Whether you are starting a venture that’s selling feminist merchandise or incorporating a more feminist approach to an already existing business, or you’re trying to start a YouTube channel about intersectional feminism, I can help you figure out how to make your vision a reality AND to conscientiously monetize your work.
In this webinar, I want to give you all my tips and secrets for doing what I have been able to do with Latina Rebels and my own writing online. You should leave this webinar knowing that this work is deeply satisfying and worth the effort.
You will:
- Learn how to build a brand from nothing without having to pay for ads, while tapping into a community that is longing for content with substance
- Learn how to preserve authenticity within whatever your curating or creating
- Ideas on how to take the necessary steps towards protecting yourself
I want to help you out so that our online feminist community can keep growing and pushing each other to be more accepting, inclusive, and just.
So, are you ready!? Let’s talk about building a feminist brand online, while in the comfort of your own home, local coffee shop, or local park!
Just $35

Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez
Webinar Leader
Founder of Latina Rebels
Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez was born in Managua, Nicaragua but calls Nashville, TN home.The bulk of her work is around making accessible, through storytelling and curating content, the theories and heavy material that is oftentimes only taught in academia. She full-time writer and currently working on a children’s book. As a brown girl who never saw herself represented, she seeks to provide more representation for young black and brown girls. Prisca started the platform Latina Rebels in 2013. It currently it boasts over 200k organic followers online. She also travels full-time during the school year, to universities across the USA to speak about centralizing brown voices and stories. She’s been featured in Telemundo, Univision, Mitú, Huffington Post Latino Voices, Guerrilla Feminism, Latina Mag, Cosmopolitan, Everyday Feminism, and was invited to the White House in the fall of 2016.
Letter from Prisca
I went to graduate school in pursuit of knowledge but found that I was learning more from radical feminists online than I was learning in the classroom. So decided to start my own platform.
I spelled out my goals for what my ideal platform would look like: I wanted to build a place where Latinxs could learn grow, laugh, be intrigued, and mostly connect with one another.
If you know there is a void in feminist media, and have an idea in mind, let me help you organize your thoughts!
I want to provoke you to push yourself and your assumptions about online hustles. I want to encourage you out of your own hesitations. I want you to thrive with the right the tools!
Finally, I want to make sure that you preemptively plan for your success and ensure that you are safe online in Trump’s America. Being vocal online can be dangerous, and I want to ensure that you always keep that in mind.
Join me in exploring the wonderful world of online media through feminism content creation, content curating, and mindful cultural critiques.
Con mucho amor,
Just $35
What People Are Saying About Prisca
“Prisca gives a voice to people like me, who are often unseen and unheard. Watching her present allowed me to finally see myself in another, and be reminded that my stories also have a value despite the lack of representation. She helped me understand many complex factors that were contributing to my oppression and in a way it gave me permission to speak up for myself and others.” - Norka Ayllón
“Through Prisca’s voice I heard parts of my own story and the stories of the amazing mujeres of color who have surrounded my whole life. The power she brings to a room is filled with the voices of Brown women across this country who carve out space where there isn’t any for us and stake claim. Her authenticity, honesty, cache, y sabor resonate with many of us who straddle the academy and the hoods/barrios, cultural tradition and resistance to patriarchy, fierceness and femininity, Spanglish, high heels, hoop earrings and a red lip. ” - Ronnie Rios
“Listening to Prisca speak, I felt as if I was listening to a high priestess giving a sermon. She was both a trusted hermana, full of lived experiences and a goddess speaking brown girl truths. See, before that I never met a brown girl who was unapologetic about who she was, and made me feel like I could be unapologetic too. She talked about brown girls having strength, but not the type of strength that supports an entire family and puts mujeres on the back burner. It’s the selfish strength that is, just, present.
She talking about her experience during and after graduate school. And how she came home to finally rest. As a perfectionist and workaholic this was HUGE to me. Prisca is someone I looked up to for her strength but to listen to her story about coming home? It gave me permission to rest. I gave everything to my undergraduate career and listening to her story gave me permission to cry and rest too. As silly as that may sound.
I hope every brown girl gets to meet this queen in person and listen to her speak.” - PJ Monsi Ballesteros
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to some common questions, but contact us if you have others!
Just $35