Building a #FeministFuture: A Week of Action
JOIN Everyday Feminism in a week of Twitter Chats
to discuss how we can engage in Proactive Resistance to build a #FeministFuture
Learn from grassroots organizers and build with us as we explore how we can heal ourselves and our communities while building localized power! We need your voices to build a #feministfuture together!
- What: A full week of Twitter chats helping us build our feminist future together – here and now
- When: Every day from Monday, October 9th – Friday, October 13th at 2 pm ET / 1 pm CT/ 11 am PT
- Hashtag: #FeministFuture
Why Are We Building A #FeministFuture Through Proactive Resistance?
Every day more and more people are becoming increasingly conscious of how pervasive and harmful systemic oppression is, particularly white supremacy and patriarchy. Every day more and more attacks and threats are made against marginalized communities – by our government, institutions, and sometimes even by our family and friends.
While these attacks are leading to so many people wanting to get involved, reactionary activism will never produce the kind of power necessary to navigate and mitigate ingrained and ongoing oppressive structures. It usually based on emotions related to specific situations and we need to come together and build power for the long haul.
Given this situation, with this Week of Action, Everyday Feminism aims to offer proactive resistance as an alternative to reactionary activism. We hope these conversations support our fans to think critically and collectively about the inner work and collaborative work we need to do as we build power and address systemic harm.
The week will culminate on Friday when we will map our vision for a feminist future and use this map as a guide for our lives, wellness, and safety!
Check Out Our Schedule For This Week of Action
Monday, October 9th, 2 – 3pm EST / 11am – 12pm PST
“What is Proactive Resistance?”
We will learn about different resistance modalities and how we can use them to build our future. Steady and consistent resistance is key to creating the future that we want as feminists!
Follow: @evrydayfeminism, RHIZE UP, @RhizeUp, Arielle Newton @arielle_newton, Aileen Santos @asantos3206

Rhize is a global community that works towards a world where nonviolent grassroots movements are fostered as an essential vehicle to create societies that promote inclusion, justice and people-powered democracy around the world. Our community brings together grassroots activists, coaches and allies around the globe to bring power back to the people.

Arielle Iniko Newton is an organizer, editor, and podcaster within the Movement for Black Lives. Their work centers on reparative justice and Black feminism. They serve as an Editor with, and is the current host of the podcast RaceBaiting. They are also the founder of The Black Giving Fund, a radical collective that provides direct monetary support to Black changemakers and thought leaders fighting for Black Liberation. As Head Femme of Ravenclaw, Arielle is an unapologetic mermaid, abolitionist, and radical militant freedom fighter.

Aileen Santos is a grassroots organizer from Oakland, CA with many years’ experience working with marginalized communities. She has devoted much of her time to organizing and strategizing with Filipina immigrant women for workers rights. Aileen is also a full stack software engineer dedicated to using technology for social justice.
Tuesday, October 10th, 2 – 3pm EST / 11am – 12pm PST
“Defining Grassroots Organizing”
Get a 101 on the differences between organizing and mobilization and their usefulness in communities.
Follow: @evrydayfeminism, Carmen Dixon @carmenmdixon, Monica Novoa @moninovoa

Carmen Dixon is an organizer and educator with a social justice politic rooted in faith. Carmen’s organizing was activated during childhood as she witnessed her parents fighting for worker justice. She currently organizes at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) to support families and communities that have been deeply impacted by police violence. Prior to joining LDF, Carmen worked at the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies (FPWA) organizing clergy to advocate for economic equity policies. There she launched FPWA’s first faith based initiative designed exclusively for women.Carmen received her Master of Divinity concentrated in Children’s and Family Ministry from Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, MN. She is a founding member of the Black Lives Matter Global Network and also enjoys watching documentaries, traveling, and karaoke in her free time.

Mónica is a seasoned communications strategist, having implemented campaigns in Los Angeles, Washington, DC, New York City and nationally – across issues, including immigration, preventive health care, technology, early literacy and Venezuelan culture. While at Race Forward she was Coordinator of the groundbreaking Drop the I-Word public education campaign, which influenced the Associated Press and more than 25 media outlets to drop the range of dehumanizing language stemming from the racist slur “illegals.” Monica currently serves as Communications Director at the NYCOSH and has a degree in English literature from California State University at Northridge.
Wednesday, October 11th, 2 – 3pm EST / 11am – 12pm PST
“A Roundtable on Women of Color Resistance”
Join distinguished Women of Color organizers as they share their experiences, healing methods, and wisdom for beginning political engagement.
Follow: @evrydayfeminism, Aaryn Lang @aarynlang, Meredith Talusan @1demerith, Tia Oso @tia_oso,

Meredith Talusan is senior editor for them., a new LGBTQ+ community platform from Condé Nast. She has received multiple awards for her work on trans-related violence, including a GLAAD Media Award and a Deadline Award from the Society of Professional Journalists. Prior to them., Meredith was a columnist for VICE and a staff writer at BuzzFeed News, and has written for The Guardian, WIRED, The Atlantic, The Nation, and many other publications. They have also written essays for several books including Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution, and the forthcoming Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture, edited by Roxane Gay.

Tia Oso is a speaker, writer, and Community Engagement professional specializing in Social Change initiatives. A dynamic social justice leader, Ms. Oso has organized campaigns such as “Not in Our State” and “PHX For Trayvon” mobilizing thousands of advocates for various issues in the public interest. This “desert diva” was born and raised in Mesa, AZ and now resides in Los Angeles, CA. Ms. Oso is sought after though leader on issues of social justice.
Thursday, October 12th, 2 – 3pm EST / 11am – 12pm PST
“How Self-Care Builds Localized Power”
Learn how healing from personal and oppressive power structures is key to building grassroots power and securing safety and wellness for everyone.
Follow: @evrydayfeminism, Erika Totten @2liveunchained, Jamie Chung @jamieshark_, Sandra Kim @compactivism

She is also a devoted wife and mother of two who organizes to build chosen families of health, restoration and liberation within the movement for Black liberation.”I believe that if we can create whole communities that are supported in being their highest Selves, we can shift entire generations.”

Sandra Kim is the Founder and Executive Director of Everyday Feminism. Launched in July 2012, Everyday Feminism has become one of the most popular feminist digital media sites in the world, with millions monthly visitors from over 150 countries. EF takes an intersectional approach to feminism, addressing the daily issues people face around gender, sexuality, race, class, and more, and how we can create change in our lives and our communities. As a person with multiple marginalized identities, Sandra is committed to an intersectional feminism that focuses on personal and social liberation for everyone. She’s also pioneering a values-driven self-governing organizational approach and an innovative online business model to make this work holistically and financially sustainable for activists.Sandra brings a wide range of approaches and skills to Everyday Feminism from her experience working with trauma survivors, healing and personal transformation, social change work, and life coaching. Sandra believes in living a life you love while creating social change in the world. So in addition to her work, she spends time knitting, gardening, and training in martial arts and parkour.
Friday, October 13th, 2-5pm EST / 11am – 2 pm PST
“Building a Feminist Future Together”
Join us for a day of visioning as we discuss what and how we build the future we want, personally and politically. This longer Twitter chat will discuss several key topics such as white supremacy, ableism, queer and trans antagonism, neo-colonialism, immigration, environmentalism, and more. Help us map a strategy for resistance! From your feedback, we will create a downloadable graph of our map.
Follow: @evrydayfeminism
How To Join Our #FeministFuture Twitter Chat
If you’ve never participated in a TweetChat before, no worries! In a nutshell, it’s a facilitated conversation at a set time on a particular Twitter hashtag.
The key to participating is to use the hashtag in all tweets as you also follow the tweets using the hashtag. That way you can be a part of the whole conversation!
To participate:
- Log in to your Twitter account.
- Go to: #FeministFuture and read what has been tweeted so far.
- Tweet an introduction of yourself and make sure to include the hashtag #FeministFuture.
- Share your thoughts and reply to questions, along with the hashtag #FeministFuture.
- Have fun!
Have to miss the Twitter chat? Don’t worry! We’ll share a Storify of the conversation for you to check out later here.
Help Make Sure Everyday Feminism Continues To Offer Resources Like This For You!
This Week of Action is part of Everyday Feminism’s Membership Program, which offers exciting new programming to our community while also raising funds for us to become financially sustainable.
We hope you will help us to become financially sustainable since we are a very unique media organization that’s providing critical political education that’s deeply needed in the time of Trump. Unlike many other media organizations, Everyday Feminism is led entirely by queer people of color, we fairly compensate those who write for us, and we are deeply committed to the personal and social liberation of all people.
With this Week of Action, we’re hoping to reach our first membership goal of 2,000 members. This will allow us to move away from the threat of shutting down and become fully, financially sustainable.
>> Click here to help us stay alive – forever – and with just $10 <<