If you grew up Latinx in the United States, you might have spent your most formative years going to church with your abuelita — not talking openly about sex or relationships with your parents. I was raised in a very Catholic, Mexican-American family. My Catholic school education included lectures by religion teachers about the dangers…

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For bisexual people, representations of our identity in the pop culture world seem to fall into one of two categories. The first is absolute erasure: We encounter TV shows, movies, news reports, songs, trends, books, and essays that refuse to acknowledge the existence or validity of bisexuality in any way. On the other hand, the recent…

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While reflecting on recent news about health care, I think back on the lives of Anarcha, Betsy, Lucy and nine other unnamed enslaved Black women who were experimented on by the “father of modern gynecology,” a white doctor named J. Marion Sims. Without their consent or anesthesia (which was available at the time), Sims perfected…

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