If you work on diversity and equity issues in predominantly white organizations and communities…
Then I bet you’ve seen a huge jump in the number of white people who want to put in actual work to end racism since Trump got elected.
But as you know, just because they want to address white supremacy in the world doesn’t mean they’re emotionally equipped to actually acknowledge it within themselves.
And if they don’t realize how they’re unconsciously acting in racist ways - and stop doing it, then all this great momentum will at best, lead to nowhere.
At worst, it’ll break trust with the people of color they’re trying to work with - and with themselves.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
You can help them mindfully connect to the pain of internalized white supremacy and consciously choose to not act in racist ways.
Join me as I walk you through the first 3 key insights I teach in my Healing from Internalized Whiteness training program…
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- The number one reason why it’s so hard for white people to take action for racial justice that’s actually anti-racist - even when they really want to
- A key distinction that helps white people let go of their desire to identify with whiteness - even if they feel lost without it
- How to respond to white people when they’re feeling emotionally distressed about what to do around racism - in a way that lets everyone, including you, breathe easier
- The most powerful action you can do to help white people to shift from unconsciously upholding white supremacy to proactively dismantling it - which you can do immediately if you only knew what it was
- How to get access to more of this unique healing racial justice work with in-person trainings and ongoing support
Millions of people have become more socially conscious and taken action to address systemic oppression due to Sandra Kim’s work as the Founder of Everyday Feminism and Re-Becoming Human and creator of healing justice trainings.
Sandra draws on over a decade of her own Buddhism-based healing and spiritual journey as a person with multiple marginalized identities, as an organizational leader, and as a human being living in a dehumanizing society.
She provides the very transformative insights and practices that allows her to continuously re-become human and address systemic oppression from a deeply grounded place.
Sandra shows how you too can free yourself of internalized oppression and co-create a liberating life and loving community around you - every day.

Sandra Kim
Founder & President
Everyday Feminism
Sign-up to get the webinar replay and a special offer!
"I joined Sandra’s Healing from Internalized Whiteness training because I wanted to act against racial injustice, but felt frustrated because that felt so theoretical to me. This program has opened my eyes to the racism around me and in me, and has allowed me to let go of my sense of guilt, entitlement, and all that goes along with “internalized whiteness.’ I can now be closer to others, including people of color, because I am being my real self, and that has been such a gift."
– Aiyana S.
“The Healing from Internalized Whiteness training helped me to become a more effective change agent by becoming more accepting of what is, within me and around me - so that I can be present to it, honor it, and transform it with courageous compassion."
– Lenore N.
"Sandra’s training helped me to have more productive and genuine interactions with people, especially those who don't share my exact beliefs. Now I'm also able to better care for myself and more effectively navigate my own path towards an anti-racist existence. I still stand up for my values, but it is now from a place of greater wholeness, openness, and stability."
– Gabriela D.