Why Healing from Internalized Whiteness Is the Missing Link in White People’s Anti-Racism Work

A Free Webinar by Sandra Kim, Founder of Everyday Feminism

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Michael B.

“I realized that things can get better when "good" white people become willing to connect to the pain of internalized white supremacy and are able to consciously choose to not act in racist ways.

Before I wasn't open to that part of myself. But now, I can actually accompany other white people in addressing their racism - because I'm learning how to address my own."
- Michael B.

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“From my journey in Sandra’s program, I emerged with a newfound confidence to talk about racial justice within white communities from a place of non-attachment and dedicated service.

It was also an exceptional experience to be held in witness of shame and guilt as a white person while still being held compassionately accountable by Sandra.

This has profoundly shifted my worldview and fueled my sense of gratitude. My journey gifted me the opportunity to share and process in safe space.”
- Maxi L.