“What kind of Indian are you?” “Do you live in teepees?” “If I had an Indian name, it would be Tail Feather, because I can shake it!” This satirical video captures the unfortunate truth of what too many people say to Native people, and the result is hilarious. Watch now to learn common stereotypical beliefs that come with conversations about Native culture.

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Young person looking toward the camera in a sunny room

Have people tried to define your race, make assumptions about your identity, or call you “racially ambiguous?” Your race is yours to determine. In a society that invalidates multiracial identities, reclaiming your identity is both an act of preservation and a political act. So here are some affirmations to help you come back to your own skin, your own identity, your own self.

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Acknowledging privilege is difficult. It implicates you in the act of oppression, and very few want to think of themselves as oppressors. But if you dislike racism, yet do little — if anything — to resist it, you’re enabling racial oppression and benefitting from it. This not only harms people of color. It also harms white people and their humanity.

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I started watching porn in elementary school and now can’t climax without fantasizing about porn during sex. I feel estranged from my sexuality, like it’s somebody else’s. So I’m trying to reprogram myself — unlearn my socialized porn-inspired sexuality. I want to reclaim my sexual desires and figure out what feels good through honest sensual exploration.

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While we talk a lot about harmful media beauty ideals like extreme thinness, sex appeal, etc, one of the most oppressive ideals excludes anyone who isn’t white – ie whitewashing of beauty. And in our society, it has a negative impact on females who rarely see images of their own races depicted in a positive manner and on how white people (and all people) view women of color.

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