Indigenous person laughing, looking off to the side

How would the US be different with a constitution focusing on human rights, rather than property rights? For one thing, it’d would’ve been harder for European colonists to legally justify slavery, genocide, and the left of land. We can’t rewrite the old constitution, but here’s why we need to act and what we can do to recenter Indigenous people in our country.

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It’s clear that many white people in the United States still don’t understand how fundamentally different life is for people of color. Asserting their own “colorblindness,” most tend to think that racism is limited to organizations like the KKK. But less publicized forms of racism continue to be expressed in everyday ways throughout the US. And it’s a problem.

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This article originally appeared on Wear Your Voice and was republished here with the author’s permission. When it comes to social media etiquette, we are all still learning how to interact with each other while respecting boundaries and the spaces we give ourselves. What has translated over straight from our in-person interactions are racist, sexist…

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