I was twenty-nine when a boyfriend told me it was strange that I didn’t share my food when we went out. At the time, I thought, “Why would I want to share my food? I ordered it so I could enjoy it.” My philosophy? What was mine was mine, and yours was yours. Thinking about it, though, I realized that I kept more than just my peas and carrots to myself.

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Telling the truth is hard. There’s social pressure to see things in certain ways and to tell certain premeditated status-quo enabling truths. Society coerces us into telling a narrative that doesn’t reflect the truths that we know, but rather the truths that society so desperately wants us to believe. But we can do better for ourselves – and for others.

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Sometimes – well, most times – there’s pain in a relationship. And sometimes, things can become so fragile and hard to navigate that irreparable cracks surface, and the relationship becomes broken. And I’ve been there. Far too many times. Learning, growing, and working hard to understand why brokenness breaks you – and what to do about it – is a journey. But it’s one worth taking.

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I wanted to love, I just didn’t know how. I looked at love and saw pain, loss, jealousy, and rejection. Love was stressful. At times, I would love too much. Then too little. Then not at all. For the past couple of years, I’ve been learning how to love and the barriers to bash through to do so. If you find yourself in a similar position, here are some tips to get you started.

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There are three parties in a relationship: you, your partner, and the relationship itself. You have to take care of yourself first and make sure you are truly happy in order to flourish with a partner. Relationships ought to bring benefit to you. Here are some ways to make sure you take responsibility for maintaining yourself and your relationship.

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Being happy in a relationship is nearly impossible if you feel unlovable. You’ll either ignore your needs and act from a place of keeping your partner happy rather than yourself or push your partner away in order to confirm your belief that you’re unlovable. But we all have flaws and being lovable doesn’t mean being perfect. So here are a few steps to help you believe that you are, indeed, lovable.

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We are products of a lifetime of gendered social messages that tell us that every woman needs a man – that to not have one, even for a moment, is a failure at womanhood. Aside from all the overt sexism, the idea that being single sucks is flat out WRONG. So here are a few ways that being single is good for you and a viable life choice if you want to.

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We usually use “objectification” to refer to the male gaze – but have you ever wondered if a woman posting sexy pictures of herself was “inviting” objectification? Melissa A. Fabello’s smart answer might change your perspective.

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Have you heard of radical self expression? It’s a powerful movement pioneered by Akilah S. Richards. Check out this video essay by Akilah explaining the beginnings of radical self-expression and how it manifests in her own life. She discusses the negative connotations of the word “radical” and explains how radicalness can be a very positive tool of healing.

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This week’s video headline is all about self-love! Watch as popular vlogger Angelina LB breaks down the toxic mentalities that lead us to demean our own worth. She gives personal examples of how she learned to throw away the rules to an impossible-to-win game society has created for women, and encourages people to express themselves in ways that make them feel good, regardless of reception.

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