Person standing at a window, looking out and down, seemingly sad or contemplative

(Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault) There’s no right or wrong way to respond to a sexual assault. But sometimes it’s hard to know what to do next. So here are some things to keep in mind. They’ll help you remember that you know what’s best for yourself, so you get to make your own choices. Read on and treat yourself with the same kindness you would give to others – you deserve nothing less.

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Almost all of these myths stem from the assumption that trans women are really men, and considering us through a male frame of reference. So if there is one myth to debunk from which all others would perish, it’s the notion that our gender is not legitimate. We are women. But if you need further explanation, let me break it down for you with these 13 myths.

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There’s a difference between appreciating language and being a snob. And the last place that we need grammar snobbery is in social justice movements. And not just because getting hung up on subject-predicate agreement is distracting to the job at hand, but also because purporting one form of English as elite is inherently oppressive. So let’s talk about why.

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Labels can be both useful and harmful — it depends on where and how we use those labels. Some people, however, advocate that we put labels to rest. They seem to think we’re perpetuating victimization and divisiveness. But here’s the thing: Labels don’t cause inequality. People do. This attitude just stands in the way of accountability and anti-oppression work.

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Many people have no idea what does and does not constitute harassment. Here’s the thing: in our society, men are taught to feel sexually entitled to women. So many men who approach women in public spaces feel they “should” respond positively to their overtures – and then get upset at them when they don’t. Here’s some concrete examples of how this shows up.

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We’ve all been there – just when you think you’ve become a good ally, somebody tells you that you’ve done or said something problematic. Here’s the good news: nobody’s perfect, so you’re not alone. Perfection is not what’s important, and being an ally doesn’t mean you can do no wrong. Read about what is important, and learn what to do if you make a mistake.

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