From mean jokes to harassment, single women are subject to a particular kind misogyny in American society. The message is clear: We still believe women should prioritize marriage and motherhood over everything else. Demanding a woman’s life to follow this trajectory is another way of saying “I know what’s good for you better than you do.” And that’s oppressive.

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As feminist allies to survivors, we must believe that a survivor’s account of their sexual assault is true. Please read this article to understand why — even if we experience their account as disoriented, foggy, or even factually incorrect — we must understand that they are still telling their own deepest truth, and we must honor that. Survivors deserve our support.

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Side portrait of a person sad, with their eyes closed

“You should be thankful!” Have you ever heard that about catcalls? Many conversations on street harassment leave out this part – how it feels when harassers are the only ones saying you’re beautiful. Here’s one woman’s story of getting messages that it’s impossible to be beautiful and be Black, and growing to reject those ideas and find validation in herself. (Trigger Warning)

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