Person holding out a bouquet of roses

Nice guys, we know you’re out there. Misogynistic Nice Guys™ have earned a bad reputation, but there’s a difference between them and men who are genuinely respectful. But did you know there’s also a difference between being nice and being an ally to women’s causes? Here’s what you need to know to avoid the unintentional sexism that can come with gender socialization.

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One of the most difficult parts of discussing privilege is that it can be extremely difficult to recognize your own. If you’re white, you know what we’re talking about. Check out this list of questions that people of color have to ask themselves on a constant basis. And let’s all work together toward creating a society where none of us need to ask these questions again.

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A person sitting in a waiting room has their hand on their head and their tie loosened in frustration and exhaustion

We all know the ways well-meaning white people aren’t intentionally racist, and we get it – it’s tough to feel like part of the problem. But everyone should know these ways that even the most “well-intended” white person can participate in and benefit from racism. Learn what to do after acknowledging your privilege (hint: don’t hate yourself, just be accountable).

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Almost all of these myths stem from the assumption that trans women are really men, and considering us through a male frame of reference. So if there is one myth to debunk from which all others would perish, it’s the notion that our gender is not legitimate. We are women. But if you need further explanation, let me break it down for you with these 13 myths.

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