There are all sorts of ways to be a feminist in today’s world. If we erased all the ways in which we are different, we would lose so much strength in the movement. We won’t end sexism without addressing all oppressions; we can’t work together until we agree that none of us are free until we’re all free. But how can we work together at this point?

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Silhouette of a person holding up a huge heart shape against a sunset

This author never imagined she’d get to this magical place – a place of self-love. She’s powerful, beautiful, talented, and loveable. But unfortunately, in our society, she’s subject to shame for being fat, Black, bisexual, and a woman with unconventional looks. Read on for her journey in fighting for herself, and you might find some self-love for your own journey.

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Young person looking toward the camera in a sunny room

Have people tried to define your race, make assumptions about your identity, or call you “racially ambiguous?” Your race is yours to determine. In a society that invalidates multiracial identities, reclaiming your identity is both an act of preservation and a political act. So here are some affirmations to help you come back to your own skin, your own identity, your own self.

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Person in a meeting at work, looking happy

The Starbucks #RaceTogether campaign came and went faster than you could finish a latte. Can we learn anything positive from it? Let’s talk about how you can actually create cultural change around racial justice issues – by starting with your own workplace (and without talking to under-caffeinated strangers). What would you change to make a less oppressive workplace?

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This article originally appeared on Wear Your Voice and was republished here with the author’s permission. If you think that race does not have an impact on the way that an educator teaches school children, please come on in and take a seat. I, a Black student, owe a lot of my academic intelligence to…

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