Racial Justice Articles

A person wearing a knit hat with their eyes cast down, looking worried.

Ending Anti-Blackness Needs to Be a Top Priority for Asian Americans – Here’s Why

4 Messed Up Sexist Things That Happen to Women of Color

A person in shadows, looking upset

How the ‘Taking the Country Back’ Frenzy Incites White Violence and Terror

3 Things That Must Happen with the End of Private Prisons

7 Critical Pieces of Info About the Death Penalty That You Need to Know ASAP

Young student choosing a book from bookshelf in a library

This White Feminist Loved Her Dreadlocks – Here’s Why She Cut Them Off

This Poet’s Advice Left Championship Judges in Awe

Yes, Race Is a Social Construct – Here’s Why It Still Matters

Growing Up Dark-Skinned in a Color-Conscious India

Asian Americans: 10 Warning Signs That Show You’re Siding With Whiteness

Are You Suffering From Racial Discussion Fatigue? These 5 Hilarious Tips Will Help

Two people standing back to back, looking back at one another, upset

4 Ways Latinxs Perpetuate Classism in Our Communities

I’m Losing Tons of Friends Fighting Racism – And I’m Totally Okay with That

Ready for Thanksgiving Conversations with Trump Voters? This Guide Can Help

A person sits at a computer with a speech bubble that reads "Let me explain this once and for all."

What’s Wrong with Cultural Appropriation? These 9 Answers Reveal Its Harm

Frustrated student, sitting on a lawn

3 Ways to Examine Structural Racism in Universities After a Racist Incident

6 Reasons Giving Advice to Poor People About How to Look Rich Is Problematic

José vs Joe: Who Gets a Job?

An illustration of a person, confused about what to do next

6 Steps to Dealing With a Friend Who Dressed Up as an ‘Indian’ for Halloween

Person looking away from computer in annoyance

Why We Don’t Need #WhiteOutDay, White History Month, or a National Association for the Advancement of White People (Really, It’s Racist)

Not Gonna Leave: 3 Times Neighbors Got Together To Fight Gentrification

7 Lies We Have to Stop Telling About Black Girls

A confederate flag lays on the ground; a white arrow points to it and reads, "Yes, this is racist."

6 Reasons People Claim Waving the Confederate Flag Isn’t Racist – Squashed

Why Aren’t Black Girls Allowed to be Girls?

Asian Americans Aren’t ‘Basically White’ – Here Are 5 Ways Racism Hurts Us

Shaping A Latina Feminist Identity

How Your ‘Interest’ in Other Cultures Can Perpetuate Racism with Cultural Voyeurism

Teacher sitting at a desk in front of a chalkboard

5 Things Well-Meaning White Educators Should Consider If They Really Want to Close the Achievement Gap

US Slavery Isn’t Over – Here’s How It Turned into Mass Incarceration

Why Era-Themed Parties Can Be Awkward for People of Color