Now that you've received all of the modules, we'd love to get your feedback on them. So we'd greatly appreciate it if you took 10-15 minutes to share your thoughts on what's working and not working about the course for you. Even if you haven't worked through all the modules, we still want to get your thoughts! This includes any breakthroughs you've had so far and any challenges you've faced with with moving forward. All of that is useful and important information to us.

Thank you again for your feedback!

- Sandra Kim

  • We found that course members were far less inclined to share their struggles with others than in any other course. After having talked with some folks, they expressed hesitation around what felt like "airing out their dirty laundry." At the same time, they wanted to hear other couples share their struggles since it helped them feel not alone. However, this obviously doesn't work when people only want to listen and not share.

    One idea is to have a group call to practice skills using scenarios. However if group support is not really desired, we can just focus on getting one-on-one support via coaching from Sandra. Let me know your thoughts!

  • If there was a way that the course could be changed to support you in working through this challenge, please share.
  • This could be in reference to pacing, amount of content, number of exercises, specific topics, reminder emails, etc.