Eating disorders are everywhere, and finally, people are beginning to realize it. Unfortunately, with the increased awareness has come a rash of myths – both about the disorders themselves and the people who suffer. Learn what they are so you can better support someone struggling with an eating disorder.

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Asexuality is just now coming onto the horizon as an identity. In the last ten years, there has been a growing awareness that some people don’t experience sexual attraction. Given how our society assumes everyone is and wants to be sexual, it can be confusing for some people to understand how asexual people date. So here are some

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Silhouettes of three people jumping up in the air

Why are we still having to argue that feminism is a good thing? It may seem obvious to you, but there’s still a debate. Feminism has proved that women’s rights are human rights. Denying that is a blatant disregard for the historical record. So here’s a pocket edition of the achievements. Check it out for the next time someone says feminism has a negative impact.

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Whispers from the mainstream media, pornography, friends, and locker room walls sell lies, telling us what we want to hear, convincing us of untruths. It’s like a game of Telephone, but what’s at stake is our understanding of ourselves and our relationships. And that’s a dangerous game. So here’s the truth – about penises.

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One person staring ominously straight while another's hand is placed over their mouth, quieting them

(Trigger Warning: Intimate partner violence, sexual assault) Family violence affects people of all backgrounds. So don’t all survivors deserve support? With her story, one woman exposes the terrible truth about the racism and stigma aboriginal survivors face when they try to pursue safety and justice. Read her powerful story of surviving intimate partner and sexual abuse, and let’s advocate for justice for all survivors.

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My first sexual experiences taught me that sex is all about power and control. For me, being in a relationship meant relinquishing any power or control I had over my own body and my own emotions. Sex was the key to emotional security; when my partner was sexually satisfied, I was emotionally satisfied. It took four years of counseling with a therapist specializing in trauma for me to understand that this was a very unhealthy way of thinking.

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