A group of activists rallying under a rainbow flag

The mainstream Gay Rights™ movement has made a lot of important gains – like marriage equality, for instance – but it leaves a lot of folks wondering: Have we forgotten our own history? Check out this article to understand the ways in which the history of queer and trans liberation needs to inform our activism today – and why prison abolition should be a top priority.

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Talking to your kid about sexual abuse probably seems worse than even talking about sex. But given the statistics, your child is much more likely to be molested than to be hit by a car when crossing the street. Here’s how you can reduce your child’s vulnerability to being sexually abused and increase the chances they’ll tell you if something happens.

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Person with their fingers crossed, hoping

You’re giddy with excitement for your first date with another woman! So don’t let narrow expectations of what relationships “should” be get you down. Take these tips on everything from what to wear to how to make a perfect plan. These are the keys to breaking down heteronormativity and building up meaningful relationships – full of respect and a whole lot of fun.

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When someone wants to tear apart my writing, they often bring up my presumed gender to do so. My presumed femaleness is never mentioned with respect. They say, “Stop being so easily offended, b*tch.” Femaleness is used to discredit me in a way that maleness is not. When I’m presumed male, my maleness never comes up at all. Because maleness is our societal default setting, it’s never mentioned.

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How can we make feminist commitments this Father’s Day? This list of ideas ranges from the civic to the personal, the playful to the political, but each suggestion is geared so that feminism is at the heart of our families. Join us in making a commitment to take at least one action against patriarchy and misogyny in real life. Let us evolve fatherhood together.

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Going to the gynecologist, as a trans man in a transphobic world, can be an incredibly uncomfortable and verbally violent experience. Consequently, many men avoid getting necessary medical services like pap smears—which could lead to a completely different discomfort. Here’s some advice on how to safely negotiate your pap test as a trans man.

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Oppressive assumptions and myths are often so embedded in our society that they are difficult to recognize. This is true of cissexism, which is often thought to be a more subtle form of transphobia. By “subtle,” I mean that it is less visible to cisgender people. Despite this, it is no less damaging. In order to eradicate transphobia, we need to tackle cissexism.

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Want to know why reverse oppression can’t exist? You’ll have to get out of the dictionary and into understanding the nuances of people’s lived experiences. Here’s what you need to know about oppression: what it is, what it isn’t, and what makes it a special problem. The very nature of oppression won’t allow reverse oppression to exist. Read on to learn why.

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