Wanna find out why “you’re so exotic” is not a compliment? Most of the comments mixed race women get don’t come from a place of malice or hatred, but a lack of understanding. And navigating a multi-racial identity can be hard enough without factors like racism and sexism. So avoid being racially sensitive by starting with Marina Watanabe’s tips on what not to say.

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I am all for rethinking, reforming, and in most cases, smashing gender-based norms. But if bucking gender norms is going to be the key criterion for bad-assitude, I wonder: Would a boy earn bad-ass points for choosing a Tinkerbell Halloween costume, or for getting a pedicure, as my son once did with me (at his request) before he stumbled face-first into the gender divide? My guess is no.

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Kids are, allegedly, getting fatter. But not a single study shows that weight loss works for more than 5% of people, and, by the way, despite fears about obesity, U.S. life expectancy continues to rise. So why are people continuing to fixate on childhood obesity? I think maybe because it’s obscuring a much bigger, scarier issue. This issue being childhood poverty.

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(Trigger warning: rape.) Like most college freshmen, I drank too much. And one night, I drank too much and was pitched out of a frat house in the dead of winter. I woke up in my lofted bed. My clothing was on the floor, and I felt an invisible miasma of shame engulfing me. And my coping mechanism was to make my rapist my partner, giving purpose and intent to something horrible.

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I like my body! I may even love my body! More days than not, I look at my reflection and smile with gratitude. And this is a huge deal – because for the majority of my life, I wanted to crawl out of my own skin. It was a long and complicated process that has taken me nearly two years of hard work, but here are some of the major factors that led me to where I am today.

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Body acceptance is not about disregarding your health. Its about loving and accepting your body and wanting to take care of it. There is no such thing as a “good” or “bad” body, and it is important to listen to your body and all the signs and signals it provides you. Accept yourself and your beautiful form, and this will encourage those you interact with to love their bodies as well.

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Fine lines, dull skin, loss of muscle tone, gray hair – all these trappings of a mature body that society has deemed shameful pop up on my radar now more than ever. Some of these traits are starting to show up in my own body and some are yet to arrive, but the messages about their insidiousness are penetrating my consciousness now when they used to just bounce away like so much noise.

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Being happy in a relationship is nearly impossible if you feel unlovable. You’ll either ignore your needs and act from a place of keeping your partner happy rather than yourself or push your partner away in order to confirm your belief that you’re unlovable. But we all have flaws and being lovable doesn’t mean being perfect. So here are a few steps to help you believe that you are, indeed, lovable.

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From magazines plastered with the latest stars’ weight gain, to diet ads featuring people grabbing and pinching their flesh, the message is clear: “Fat is bad and you better do something about it.” The way people justify this contempt is bringing up concerns about “health” and individual responsibility explanations. But these explanations fall flat. Here’s why.

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People usually tell me to “get over it” when I’m being vulnerable, insecure, or afraid. They think you shouldn’t bother or aren’t interested in your feelings. “Get over it” is a cruel phrase. It means, “Not only do I not care about how you feel, if you were smarter, you wouldn’t care either.”

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Why do we diet? The truth is people diet for various reasons. You can have a healthy diet out of fear or love. This is something that both larger and smaller people can do since just because someone is thinner doesn’t mean they’re necessarily healthy. Allow me to explain.

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This article was originally published in RESIST, a publication that is no longer in print, and cross-posted here. (Content warning: animal exploitation; examples of sexism, ableism; descriptions of women in sexually or domestically abusive situations) The animal rights community has a serious exploitation problem. I am never surprised to hear when a non-vegan believes that…

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