Person in a sweatshirt with their hands up in the air, celebrating success, in the sunset

Feminism hasn’t always been inclusive, so transgender folks who are frustrated with feminism have valid reasons. But if you want to know what a positive experience for a trans feminist could be like, look no further than this article. This author shows how valuable – and life-changing – a trans-inclusive feminism can be. This is how we want our feminism to be.

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Close-up of the dictionary definition of "privilege"

We live in a time when conversations about privilege have become incredibly commonplace. It feels like privilege has gone pop – and that’s not necessarily a good thing. Because when we talk about privilege, we must do so with the kind of complexity that holds people of privilege accountable. So how does pop cultural privilege discourse hurt movements for justice? Read on.

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Pile of "Hello, my name is _____" labels

So, someone in your life has asked to be called by a different name. It can be tough to understand name changes at first and really hard to break the habit. But if you want this person to know that you respect them, it’s extremely important that you respect their name choice. How? Learn all about it with these helpful hints on how to navigate relearning a name.

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You might ask yourself how you can be a righteous, authentic feminist, waving the flag for body-positivity, even though you’re struggling with an eating disorder. Well, as this article explains, feminism isn’t about being ashamed of yourself or your process. It’s about owning your truth and sharing it. You (and your story) are a critical part of this revolution!

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For years I was like a lot of Americans who list “LOSE WEIGHT” as their top new year’s priority. But what if I told you that the current you was actually pretty awesome and you didn’t in fact need a you-replacement? Rather than pursuing a new YOU this year, try pursuing a new VIEW, where you already have the perfect body to have the best new year imaginable.

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Fat women are subjugated to so much insult, harassment, discrimination, abuse, and dehumanization. Sometimes, it feels as if there is no escape from fat hatred and oppression — even when it’s carefully masked as a compliment. Check out this video to learn just how problematic fatphobic pseudo-compliments, like “You have a pretty face,” are to fat women.

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Privilege and oppression simultaneously impact our lives in a number of intersectional ways. If we solely focus on our marginalized identities, we give up the opportunity to recognize and interrupt the ways our privileges cause harm to the people we care about. If you’re struggling with recognizing your privilege as a marginalized person, this might serve as a helpful guide.

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There’s never a shortage of discord within the feminist community. These internal disagreements are often spoken about as being negative. But what if we collectively decided that disagreement isn’t inherently bad? I’m here to argue that we need difference of opinion within the feminist community — both for the good of the movement, and for the end of oppression.

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I started censoring myself in the seventh grade. Kids in my class made fun of me for using “big words” and getting too many trivia questions right, so I stopped. Being “too smart” can lead to teasing for any kid, but certain demographics get unique torment. Young girls certainly have their own set of obstacles. Here are five examples of how girls are taught to avoid “smart.”

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It was the summer of 2006. I met Ben at the movie theater where we both worked. He seemed somewhat uncomfortable in his skin, but, hell, so was I. Eventually, I became acutely more aware of Ben’s extreme insecurity and unhealthy habits. At the time, I naively thought my words and support alone could help him. But I didn’t know then what I know now.

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Feminist works garner a spectrum of responses, from life-affirming to life-threatening. Maybe it’s the emotional weight of the material. Maybe it’s the unflattering light we shine on the ugly truths of patriarchy. Either way, feminist pieces get a wide range of comments. We can use them to improve, but they can also be scary. Here are just a few of the commenters you’ll meet as an online feminist.

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Teen and “tween” (that difficult, in-between age of 9-12) girls nowadays have it rough. Contrast this with the caveman era that I grew up in, that oh-so-long-ago decade known as the 1990s, in which girls could simply chillax and be themselves…kind of. But before we roll our eyes at the behavior of “kids these days,” we should at least consider how our adolescence was different.

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