You need to understand that your marginalized friends don’t want to call you out. It’s even more uncomfortable for us than it is for you, because in the end, all we want is for you to be on our side, and there’s always a chance that you won’t be. So here, for you, is a list of things not to do when a friend finally summons up the courage it takes to tell you what’s what.

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Being the only Indian person in a yoga class can certainly come with its challenges. Especially when the teacher commits unfortunate examples of cultural appropriation, like one teacher does in this video. Here’s a hilarious response to the dehumanizing exotification that yoga teachers can be guilty of when they try to claim a culture that’s not theirs to claim.

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Feminism is much more than simply addressing the wage gap, climbing the corporate ladder, or ensuring access to abortion services. Women of color have never had the privilege to solely focus on women’s issues — gender and racial inequalities combined so often ravage both our physical and mental health. Here are 4 ways women of color experience sexism differently.

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While reflecting on recent news about health care, I think back on the lives of Anarcha, Betsy, Lucy and nine other unnamed enslaved Black women who were experimented on by the “father of modern gynecology,” a white doctor named J. Marion Sims. Without their consent or anesthesia (which was available at the time), Sims perfected…

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