Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez
Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez was born in Managua, Nicaragua but calls Nashville, TN home. She is the founder of the online activism platform known as Latina Rebels, and a full-time writer. The bulk of her work is around using storytelling and content curation to make the theories that are often only taught in the racist/classist institutions known as academia accessible. She has been featured in Telemundo, Univision, Mitú, Huffington Post Latino Voices, Guerrilla Feminism, Latina Mag, Cosmopolitan, Everyday Feminism, and was invited to the White House in the fall of 2016. She is unapologetic, angry, and uncompromising about protecting and upholding the stories of brown folks.
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Dear Woke Brown Girl
As someone whose known for my writings, in this keynote I usually sit and read pieces of mine while explaining why I wrote what I wrote, analyzing my own growth since a piece was written, and finally ending the keynote with my piece “Dear Woke Brown Girl,” to center and empower the audience to trust their inner voice and inner strength.
Storytelling as Resistance
I am a storyteller. I tell stories to stay connected to my communities. Storytelling is my ancestral inheritance. Storytelling is elevated chisme that serves as warnings, preservation of our history, and lessons to be learned. Storytelling is my ethical praxis of liberation, where storytelling:
- Bridges gaps between those of us who have access and those of us without access
- For colonized people by colonized people
- Prioritizes grassroots people
- Ensures that there is community accountability, instead of the “de eso no se habla” narrative we are often told to accept
Storytelling as self preservation, survival, and crucial herencia from our indigenous roots.
Surviving White Serving Institutions as a POC
In this talk I name what it means to attend a PWI as a non-white person. Naming what it takes to handle a full course load, all while also maneuvering the racism and white supremacy as it exists in universities that are built on indigenous burial grounds, built by enslaved black people, and profit off of the investments of People of Color. I will hold space for non-white students to process the violence they experience while getting these possibly life-changing degrees.
Self Preservation as a First Generation Student
When you are the first in your family to attend college, there are a lot of unknown aspects. I explore topics relevant to first-gen students, such as your parents not understanding your life, the isolation that occurs when we get an education, and how to remain connected to our roots.
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“When I first discovered Latina Rebels online, I felt like I was meeting a member of my extended family. It was a space that affirmed my identity and filled my soul. Then years later when I first heard Prisca speak, that group became real and I met a long lost prima. Ever since I have been so grateful since to continue to read Prisca’s articles, listen to her stories, and use them as a connection with other mujeres anywhere I go.” - Marcela Torres-Cervantes
Prisca’s talks are warm, inviting, educational, and not here for your respectability politics. Through open discussion and the use of poetry and stories, she creates a space to foster growth and encourage challenging damaging constructs in daily life and interactions.” - Jacqueline San Nicolas
“Finding Priscas writing was transformative in my own personal search for identity after I had moved to another state. Visibility matters. After getting the opportunity to meet Prisca in person, I empowered me. (Really it did. It helped me think ‘why can’t I be the badass I perceive prisca to be.’ And I applied to my current job. I would have never envisioned myself in this space but seeing you do that in your own way empowered me to want to find my own way.” - Julietta
“Listening to Prisca speak, I felt as if I was listening to a high priestess giving a sermon. She was both a trusted hermana, full of lived experiences and a goddess speaking brown girl truths. See, before that I never met a brown girl who was unapologetic about who she was, and made me feel like I could be unapologetic too. She talked about brown girls having strength, but not the type of strength that supports an entire family and puts mujeres on the back burner. It’s the selfish strength that is, just, present.
She talking about her experience during and after graduate school. And how she came home to finally rest. As a perfectionist and workaholic this was HUGE to me. Prisca is someone I looked up to for her strength but to listen to her story about coming home? It gave me permission to rest. I gave everything to my undergraduate career and listening to her story gave me permission to cry and rest too. As silly as that may sound.
I hope every brown girl gets to meet this queen in person and listen to her speak.” - PJ Monsi Ballesteros
“Prisca gives a voice to people like me, who are often unseen and unheard. Watching her present allowed me to finally see myself in another, and be reminded that my stories also have a value despite the lack of representation. She helped me understand many complex factors that were contributing to my oppression and in a way it gave me permission to speak up for myself and others.” - Norka Ayllón
“Through Prisca’s voice I heard parts of my own story and the stories of the amazing mujeres of color who have surrounded my whole life. The power she brings to a room is filled with the voices of BRown women across this country who carve out space where there isn’t any for us and stake claim. Her authenticity, honesty, cache, y sabor resonate with many of us who straddle the academy and the hoods/barrios, cultural tradition and resistance to patriarchy, fierceness and femininity, Spanglish, high heels, hoop earrings and a red lip. 😍😘” - Ronnie Rios
“Listening to Prisca speak was the first time I’ve ever heard my experiences put into words. Her words gave names and validation to the wounds I’ve felt growing up. She showed me how to strongly stand up to white institutions and make space for myself. I’m forever grateful for the strength and fierceness her words have inspired in my life.” - Erica Nicole
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