The inevitable injustice that accompanies privilege is exacerbated when the privileged don’t acknowledge that they have more social access than others AND that said access comes at the expense of another groups’s well-being. Check out this graphic representation of how one teacher taught the class how to examine their privilege — and how it affects others.

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The US prison system was formed to rehabilitate people who have committed crimes. But these days, that’s looking less and less like its main priority. With the concerning rise in private prisons and the continued exploitation of prisoners, the prison system seems more devoted to earning a profit than anything else. Check out this infographic to get the facts.

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“How come all of you are addicted to drugs?” “Why can’t you sleep at a shelter?” “Why don’t you get a job?” These are a few of the common questions that those of us with the privilege of relative financial security ask of homeless people. And they betray a serious lack of empathy and understanding. Wanna know why? Check out this article to learn more.

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