Kids are, allegedly, getting fatter. But not a single study shows that weight loss works for more than 5% of people, and, by the way, despite fears about obesity, U.S. life expectancy continues to rise. So why are people continuing to fixate on childhood obesity? I think maybe because it’s obscuring a much bigger, scarier issue. This issue being childhood poverty.

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Some people may not be discriminatory at heart, but old habits die hard. Unfortunately, offensive language and implications are cultural habits most people acquire without realizing it. Some of these scenarios are what I like to call Accidental ‘-isms.’ But you have the power to shape your conversations. So here are some of my ideas for confronting your next Accidental ‘-ism.’

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A lot of Americans are still struggling with extreme poverty – and women are getting the short end of the stick on pretty much all fronts. This year, the Census data revealed that one in seven women live in poverty. These crazy-high numbers of poor American women are nothing new. But they’re still unacceptable. Now go out there and do something about this inequality.

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American media has a history of ignoring the marginalized in our society, including America’s poor. “But wait! I can think of an example!” Perhaps you can. But unfortunately, media representation isn’t enough; diverse and accurate media representation is essential. Here are four examples of cliche representations of poor people that don’t fit that bill.

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The United States incarcerates a greater proportion of its population than any country in the world by far. When so few know the full extent of their own rights, even fewer are aware of or do not care about the rights guaranteed to the incarcerated. Despite the supposed “guarantee” of these rights, prisoners all over the U.S. are forced to serve out sentences in inhumane and torturous conditions.

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