Posts Tagged ‘Race & Ethnicity’
5 Microaggressions Muslim Women Face In Feminist Circles And How To Address Them
The idea of a space where justice is a priority is amazing. So, when Muslim women like myself enter feminist or social justice-oriented spaces, it is often our hope that these spaces will be amazing. But does it actually pan out that way? I, for one, have had difficulty finding spaces where I’m not forced…
Read More9 Renters Rights Your Landlord Doesn’t Want You To Know
Editor’s Note: We at Everyday Feminism would like to note that this is a United States specific post and that tentants’ laws vary by state. We encourage you to check out the laws where you live to make sure you know your rights. In 2001 I went to law school evenings across the street from…
Read More10 Reasons Why Colonialism Strengthened Rape Culture In Latinx Communities
Content Warning: Sexual Assault, Violence Against Women In order to heal our communities from sexual violence, we have to understand its origins. For the past three years, I have worked as a Crisis Counselor-Advocate at a rape and domestic violence agency in Los Angeles. In my time as an advocate, I have worked one…
Read More5 Badass Muslim Women Who Have Led Feminist Movements Around the World
I once was at the United Nations for a conference when one of the white attendees got up and declared that she was organizing a conference on abuse against Muslim and Arab women (they’re not the same thing, but who cares?). She went on and on about how there is no platform for them to talk…
Read More5 Times Communities of Color Have Used Alternative Healing Practices Instead of Calling the Police
You’re walking down the street and you see someone commit a crime or do harm. What’s your first instinct? For some of us, it might be to call the police. From the time we’re little, adults instruct us on how to dial 911, or we learn ourselves because we have to. But do we always…
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