Person in a sweatshirt with their hands up in the air, celebrating success, in the sunset

Feminism hasn’t always been inclusive, so transgender folks who are frustrated with feminism have valid reasons. But if you want to know what a positive experience for a trans feminist could be like, look no further than this article. This author shows how valuable – and life-changing – a trans-inclusive feminism can be. This is how we want our feminism to be.

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Illustration of a person on a bus looking scared as another person taunts them

(Content Warning: Homophobic and transphobic violence) In what ways are you unlike what people think you “ought” to be? For too many of us who are transgender, being ourselves means there’s no such thing as feeling safe. Take it from this author, who never knows if a small altercation could lead to violence. His chilling story of a bus encounter shows how hatred and bystander apathy make the world unsafe.

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