People often assume the black community is alright with casual homophobia, including black people ourselves. When people make a disparaging comment about gay people that’s so “normal” that no one checks them on it but then claim to be supportive of LGBTQ people, it can be hard to tell who’s supportive or not. So let’s not make it so hard to tell by standing up to normalized casual homophobia.

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The economy still sucks right now and you may find yourself unemployed. In our society, we too often give people value according to how much they earn and stigmatize people without jobs. So if you’re unemployed, chances are your self-esteem is suffering. But regardless of whether or not you have a job, remember that you are still worth taking care of.

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Thanks to medical advances, HIV is not a death sentence as it used to be. Yet ignorance about HIV/AIDS continues to lead to stigmatization of people with the disease and the testing associated with it. This needs to stop and it needs to be seen as moral-neutral as cancer so more people will be proactive about their health – not too ashamed to understand it.

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