Michón Neal is a minority of minorities: female assigned at birth, mostly black, disabled, genderqueer, aromantic, pansexual, kinky, demisexual, poor, noetisexual, polyamorous, singleish, RA, a survivor, intersex, and left-handed. Michón Neal writes a mix of scifi, fantasy, erotica, and autobiography called cuil fiction about unique people in unique circumstances, with characters running the gamut of non-monogamous and LGBTQIA+ spectrums. That’s right:…

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Kaila Prins is a wellness coach specializing in disordered eating, dieting, exercise dependency, and distorted body image. Through her blog and podcasts, she brings together the experts in fitness, nutrition, health at every size, body acceptance, feminism, mindset and mental health, and more to unpack their bags and discuss their journeys to self-love. Kaila’s talks…

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Adrian Ballou is a genderqueer writer, activist, consultant, and social justice educator. They received their Bachelor of Arts from Smith College, where they gained proficiency in Spanish, Hindi, and Urdu. In addition, they are a state-certified mediator and trained facilitator. Adrian has founded/directed six youth programs focusing on topics ranging from food justice/farming/cooking to community…

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Creigh Farinas is a Contributing Writer for Everyday Feminism and a neurodiversity activist and blogger, and an advocate for autism acceptance. She received her Bachelor of Arts from the University of South Florida, where she received a degree in Psychology, and she is currently studying for her Master’s in Speech Language Pathology. Despite studying autism as part of…

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