LGBTQIA Articles

Three people embracing side by side and laughing

3 Ways Polyamorous People Are Excluded in Queer Communities – And Why It’s Wrong

6 Free or Affordable Tips for Intersex People Trying to Get By

Why the Feminist Movement Must Be Trans-Inclusive

This Is Why Pronouns Matter for Trans People

Why the Idea That Islam Promotes Intolerance of the LGBTQIA+ Community Is a Lie

Why the Left Isn’t As Trans-Friendly As You Might Think

3 Ways Queer & Trans Birth Workers Of Color Make Life Better For Parents

How Misogyny Impacts Lesbians

I am the Gender Bunny!

10 Things You’re Actually Saying When You Ignore Someone’s Gender Pronouns

13 Myths And Misconceptions About Trans Women

‘Ashes’: Andrea Gibson’s Explosive and Moving Tribute to Victims of Violence in the Queer Community

Bias Against Intersex Olympics Athletes Is What’s Unfair – Not These Athletes’ Bodies

A police car lit up in a city at night

Why the Growing Alliance Between Police and White LGBTQIA+ Folks Is a Problem

3 Reasons We Need to Be Critical of Sex Positivity in Queer Spaces

5 Ways Trumpcare Screws Over LGBTQ+ Seniors

No, There’s No Such Thing As a ‘Bad Bisexual’

10 Things Trans Activists and Allies Need to Remember That Have Nothing to Do With Caitlyn Jenner

How Asexuality Is More Complicated You Think

Pink "woman" symbol and blue "man" symbol drawn on a chalkboard with a question mark in the middle

Boy, Girl, Neither, Both? Why Assuming Is Awkward (And What to Ask Instead)

Fists are in the air, overlayed with a rainbow flag

5 Battles the LGBTQIA+ Movement Needs to be Fighting (Beyond Marriage Equality)

6 Steps to Explaining Your Transgender Identity to Your Immigrant Family

How My Sexuality Changed When My Husband Became My Wife

A person looking out a window

4 Ways Society Exotifies Trans Women of Color – And How You Could Treat Us Better

Two bathroom doors

Here Are 20 Examples of Cissexism That We’ve Probably All Committed at Some Point

Why I Can’t Get on Board with ‘Embracing Differences Between Men and Women’ for Feminism

17 Awkward Moments Bisexual Guys Face

Five Secrets Every (LGBTQ+) Woman Should Know

Two cartoon women are holding hands, explaining something to people in shadows

It’s Not All Glitter and Rainbows: 6 Harmful Myths About Coming Out

One Simple Question About Society’s Ridiculous Biases Around Gender