LGBTQIA Articles

4 Things That Suck About Going To The Doctor As A Gender Non-Binary Person

Awesome Images of Queer Women in History

A rainbow flag flying in the wind with a cloudy blue sky in the background.

5 Lessons We Can Learn From the Orlando Media Coverage

5 Reasons We Tell People They’re Not Really in Love – and Why We Need to Stop

10 Stunning Portraits of Homeless and At-Risk LGBTQIA+ Youth in New York City

What If We Thought Of Gender Like Ice Cream? It Makes Sense, Here’s Why

The Ones We Left Behind: On Being An Ally To Small Town Queers

I am the Gender Bunny!

The author and their partner, smiling

My Partner Came Out as a Transgender Woman And We’re Happier Than Ever

The Gender Playbook: A Guide to Figuring Out Your Non-Binary Identity

Books lined up on a shelf in order by color, creating a rainbow

5 Books Written by Queer and Trans Women That Set Me Free

6 Tips for Marginalized People Looking for a Good Therapist

A couple sits against a wall together with their legs dangling

How Queer Relationships Can Get Stuck in Harmful Gender Norms (And Why We Really Need to Get Unstuck)

5 Reasons We Need to Stop Saying That All Women Are Bisexual

Here’s What Happens When We Erase Bisexuality – And How You Can Be a Better Ally

A black-and-white image of Sylvia Rivera, holding onto a teddy bear

5 Reasons Sylvia Rivera Is One of the Most Badass Radical Trans Heroes to Ever Live

Struggles You Only Discover in Your First Queer Relationship

How Transphobia in the LGBTQIA+ Community Tarnishes Our History

I’m Trans, But I’m Not…

Being Seen as a Hairy Brown Girl – There Was Nothing Wrong with Me Then and There Is Nothing Wrong with Me Now

Person standing against a chalkboard, looking confused

This Non-Binary Trans Person Answers 7 Questions Trans Allies Are Still Asking

3 Reasons We Need to Be Critical of Sex Positivity in Queer Spaces

Fists are in the air, overlayed with a rainbow flag

5 Battles the LGBTQIA+ Movement Needs to be Fighting (Beyond Marriage Equality)

How Many Moments of Extraordinary Strength Can You Spot in This Ordinary Day in the Life of a Transgender Woman?

Hormones for Cis People vs Trans and Intersex People: The Awful Double Standard

6 Steps to Explaining Your Transgender Identity to Your Immigrant Family

8 Myths About Transgender Men’s Genital Reconstructions