Person gloriously showing off their hairy under arms

Body hair is perfectly normal, so why do we get the message that it’s disgusting and unhygienic? The idea that people can monitor and police other people’s bodies is really messed up. Take it from this author, whose transition taught him that no one’s body fits expectations. Read about his love for his body and get inspired to love your own wild and lovely self.

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News flash: Women have body hair. Armpits, legs, genitals — even faces. And it’s become a widely accepted rule that they must remove this hair. Some women choose to do this freely, and some women choose to defy this standard. But the stigma runs even deeper than that. Here are four harmful side effects of body hair stigma that you may have overlooked.

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I was a full-blown feminist in college. I also had a full-blown eating disorder. I came to feminism because I could feel the injustice in my obsession. Feminism gave me the framework to see that my eating disorder was part of something larger. But I still couldn’t tell anyone because I felt like a bad feminist. Here’s 5 ways I worked through that inappropriate shame.

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Your body is yours. That should be obvious, right? So why do so many people feel like they can label, critique, debate, and share their opinion on your body? It’s not right, and you don’t have to put up with it. Check out this video to remember that you’re not alone in your frustration. Pass it on to spread the message that your body is not up for discussion.

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I see and fight bigotry on a daily basis, but I’ve always wanted to know why. Why is our structure this way? Why are women singled out for body shame? Why are fat people bullied to the point of suicide? Why have we learned to hate ourselves? How did we get here? We all deserve to live in a world full of truth and acceptance. So allow me to enlighten you.

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The sheer volume of unsolicited opinions that people project upon women’s bodies is staggering. It’s almost like there was a memo sent all of humanity, declaring that women’s bodies are constantly subject to public commentary. But these comments are motivated by something much deeper than that. Here’s what people really mean when they talk about your body.

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One of the first things I heard upon announcing my pregnancy was: “So, do you think you’ll gain a lot of weight?” Why is it that so many people are more concerned with a woman’s body ability to be a sexual object than as a powerful tool in creating, nourishing, and giving birth to a baby? Here are three reasons to stop saying babies “ruin” women’s bodies!

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Everyone is entitled to a relationship with their body that is based in care and respect. It’s time to stop thinking of your body as a hostile encasing in which you are imprisoned. So, in search of answers about self-love, I asked eight of the most fabulous curvy women that I know one question: What is the big secret of your relationship to your body? And here’s what they said.

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