Feminism has many important causes, one of which is fostering healthier body image. But some have argued that this cause is not “important enough” to warrant the attention that body image activists demand. If you’ve ever thought of body image activism as a lesser movement in feminism, check out Melissa A. Fabello’s video on the topic. You may learn something.

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You know that not only does domestic violence in the trans community play out in slightly different ways, but trans survivors often face obstacles when trying to access resources. It’s not easy to approach a loved one about their abusive relationship. But you don’t need to be an expert. You just need to be there.

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As I get older, making new friends within the LGBTQ+ community becomes more difficult. My 30-year-old self rarely seeks out kindred spirits on the dance floor because my body just won’t allow for it. In addition, queer-friendly spaces that aren’t nightclubs are rapidly shutting down due to gentrification. This bothers me because building accountable and…

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