For some, the LGBPTQIA+ acronym can be intimidating in its all-inclusivity – “How am I supposed to memorize every identity in this nebula, and learn to respect them in my everyday life as well?” Worry not, kind feminist! Getting to know the basics will help to ease this overwhelmed feeling. Let’s explore one specific identity in this acronym today – pansexuality.

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We all know that homelessness, suicide, homophobia, and transphobia remain awful realities for too many young LGBTQIA+ people. These crises get a decent amount of attention. But many LGBTQIA+ teens face different challenges that don’t always make it on our radar. Here are five issues that may not grab headlines, but are still pretty arduous for queer and trans teens today.

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Feminism is a creature with many faces these days. But bottom line, the goal is homogenous: Feminism aims for gender equality within a currently patriarchal society. Sometimes it’s just hard to get massive amounts of people to agree exactly what the best means to achieving that goal is. So here is a list of five things that the current movement of feminism absolutely is.

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“Don’t read the comments.” You’ve gotten the warning, but we’ve all had the experience of reading a supportive article, only to scroll down to comments that try to tear you down. This comic captures that experience perfectly. It’s a reminder of what we all could use – either support to avoid reading the comments or support to take care of ourselves when we do.

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Too often, conversations around what healthy relationships look like completely ignore relationships that fall outside of the heterosexual, monogamous framework that our society so desperately wants us to cling to. But there are all sorts of ways to have relationships – including within asexuality, polyamory, and kink – and they all can be healthy and satisfying.

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