With inaccurate media representations and the cultural stigma, there are a lot of misconceptions about people in the sex industry. We too often fail to see the complexity and diversity in who is engaged in commercial sex, why they’re doing it, and the degree of consent and coercion involved. These myths keep us from seeing this issue for what it really is. So let’s debunk them.

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Feminism is a creature with many faces these days. But bottom line, the goal is homogenous: Feminism aims for gender equality within a currently patriarchal society. Sometimes it’s just hard to get massive amounts of people to agree exactly what the best means to achieving that goal is. So here is a list of five things that the current movement of feminism absolutely is.

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Typically, we only discuss sexism in terms of gender, but it also has applicability to biases related to sexuality. Monosexism is synonymous with bi/panphobia in many ways because it perpetuates the myth that a person can only truly be attracted to one gender. But someone’s sexuality is not a tool for you to reassert your own social legitimacy at the expense of others.

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We must get in touch with our cultural heritage to understand our stake in ending White Supremacy through a connection to what we lost, but we also have to understand and remain accountable to the privileges that Whiteness affords us every day. In some ways, this is a complex tension to hold. Because while not all White people are bad, Whiteness surely is.

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I’m noticing a trend lately where we feminists really want to get dudes on board. But it’s hard to start the process of noticing the simple, seemingly mundane ways that sexism creeps into our everyday lives. So here’s a short introduction, guys. Here are five simple things you should probably stop doing if you want to show that you have respect for women.

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As a gay feminist, I’ve had to tell many the straight boy, “Those jokes make me feel uncomfortable. Please stop.” The percussive nature of gay rape jokes can certainly get a laugh, but they also speak to some of our societal attitudes regarding rape and queer sexuality. Here are some answers to the question, “Why do people think gay rape jokes are okay?”

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