Protesters in Baltimore marching for justice for Freddie Gray

As a White person, I’m so frustrated in how so many of us are blaming people of Color for their own oppression and condemning them for expressions of grief and rage that make us uncomfortable and afraid. If you find yourself doing that, read this to learn what else you can do if you care about the people of Color who are literally fighting for their lives.

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If you’re coming to terms with your privilege, you’re probably feeling uncomfortable. And that’s okay (really!). Now you have a choice: avoid the discomfort by rejecting the truth, or roll with it and take action. Here’s some action to start with: Read through these thoughts you might have in this ongoing process. Trust us. It’s worth the discomfort.

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Star Wars logo

The Force Awakens is the most anticipated movie of 2015, and it’s essential that we make sure the next Star Wars installment gets it right. While racists have made their displeasure about the #blackstormtrooper known, we’re gearing up for the film with these six issues to correct. Use this list to call for a more inclusive galaxy, not a more racist, misogynistic one.

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Handcuffed hands behind a woman's back

In the US, incarceration is used as a tool to enforce societal hierarchy and maintain systems of privilege. The people who comprise our prison population usually end up in the criminal justice system due to the circumstances of their oppression – and more than ever, those people are women of color. Read on to discover why this is a feminist issue that needs attention.

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Because privilege can be near-invisible to those who have it, being told that you benefit from systematic social favoritism can be hard to accept. It’s not uncommon to feel that people are telling you that your life is simple and that you don’t work for what you have. But privilege is more complicated than that. This cartoon provides a useful visualization.

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This article was originally published in RESIST, a publication that is no longer in print, and cross-posted here. (Content warning: animal exploitation; examples of sexism, ableism; descriptions of women in sexually or domestically abusive situations) The animal rights community has a serious exploitation problem. I am never surprised to hear when a non-vegan believes that…

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