My maternal grandmother never referred to herself as a feminist. I’m not sure if she ever came across the term. However, throughout my childhood and into my womanhood, her words and actions have had a profound effect on how I viewed womanhood, marriage, money management, social justice, and inner peace. Here are six stories that helped to mold my feminist foundation.

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When my partner Drew and I decided to have a baby, we initially didn’t even consider surrogacy. We eventually realized that, no matter which path we chose, the road ahead would be bumpy. That’s when we gave surrogacy a more serious look, and we found that the fears that scared us away from it were all unfounded. Here’s what we were afraid of, and what we learned.

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My body has been sneakily co-opted, labeled, taken away from me. The version that is handed blankly back has all the usual notes scribbled across its surface. “Not quite right,” “Bulky,” “Could be better executed.” “Missing a certain natural beauty.” I am missing a certain natural beauty, even though this is what I naturally am. I am missing myself. When did the theft occur?

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A hand writes the word "Abortion" on a chalkboard.

Due to a lot of misinformation around later-term abortions, there remains a lot of fear, stigma, and confusion around what they actually are and who gets them. Many people who identify as pro-choice seem to readily distance themselves from late-term abortions, and may altogether disagree on their legality. But what do we actually know about late term abortions?

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Meaningful and real access to abortion will only come full circle when every woman has insurance coverage for abortion care if she needs it and can make decisions about her reproductive health, free from political interference. With today being the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, it is crucial we recognize and address the barriers that so many women continue to face all these years later.

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Oppressive assumptions and myths are often so embedded in our society that they are difficult to recognize. This is true of cissexism, which is often thought to be a more subtle form of transphobia. By “subtle,” I mean that it is less visible to cisgender people. Despite this, it is no less damaging. In order to eradicate transphobia, we need to tackle cissexism.

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Contrary to popular belief, being sexually active does not automatically mean a teen has problems and is in need of help. With the appropriate education and resource, sexual connection can be healthy for teenagers. But treating sexually active teens as delinquents and stigmatizing them can create the very problems many claim to be trying to avoid.

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